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★★★ Ogham Celtic Divination staves set contains...


★ The traditional 20 Ogham staves, each representative of a particular tree with its own unique divinatory and magical meanings. Carved, pyrographed and blessed by this Celtic Witch

★ Print out of the basic meanings of each Ogham for divination 
★ Each set will come with their own unique fabric wrap and ribbon (as pictured, fabric may vary.)


Why not try adding Celtic tree magick to your practice, starlet?


These Ogham staves are willow based - willow is the tree of Avalon.


The Ogham has a rich magickal history, being the alphabet of the highly oral Druid tradition it is also known as the language of trees.
Many modern Celtic and non Celtic pathwalkers alike have found the beautiful magick that is attached to the Ogham, both for spell working and in divination.

The Ogham can be cast in a similar fashion to runes, or one picked from a bag for divination.

Each Ogham can be used in spellwork aligning to its magical purpose, as part of an altar space, ritual, or as a meditation focus point.


Overall, these handcrafted beauties are made from Willow (Goddess, the Moon, the Cycles, the mysteries, healing, dreaming & enchantment.) I find Willow to be the easiest tree spirit to connect with for beginners, with its spirit being the healer of emotional states & bodies, it has a balancing welcoming energy.


They will only be available in limited batches as they’re time & energy & magic intensive. Made and blessed by this Celtic Witch! They are hand pyrographed and blessed as well.

Each set contains the traditional 20 Ogham staves, each representative of a particular tree with its own unique divinatory and magical meanings.

One of my favourite Willow quotes:

Dortchen was called the wild one because one day, when she was seven years old, she had got lost in the forest. She had wandered off to a far-distant glade where a willow tree trailed its branches in a pool of water. Dortchen crept within the shadowy tent of its branches and found a green palace. She wove herself a crown of willow tendrils and collected pebbles and flowers to be her jewels. At last, worn out, she lay down on a velvet bed of moss and fell asleep.”

― Kate Forsyth, The Wild Girl

All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved

Avalonian Ogham Oracle - 20 Handcrafted Willow Staves


    © 2013 by Starry Eyed Supplies

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