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★ For the Goddesses of bones - for The Morrigan, for Badb, La Loba. For Osteomancy, bone throwing - for divination in the death spaces, burying the old and rebirth, for ecstatic states of liminality, for madness and cursing, when creating spirit housing. ★


Did I manipulate the wax to make it look like bones? Yes I did. I witched it to look like movement of a sheer veil shroud over bones.

I added 4000 year old red Ochre from the caves at the Forest of Dean, and a crow bone.

I wove in herbs of immortality and death, banishment and life force.

This candle is a prayer to the bone mother and you can hear her whispering if you pay attention...


The knuckle crack and as they open; the old ones scatter across a blood red cloth. The fire dims and her eyes burn like coals in its reflection.

She is the wisdom of the ravens picking clean the bones from the battlefield.

The sidewinders in the desert.

The scent of embalming fluid on the air.

Secrets beyond death.

Hail to the Bone Mother.


The Bone Mother is a spell matrix which connects you to an ancient archetype: within the Self and connection to the deities that inhabit this energy.
When you get to the bare bones of a situation, there is no falsehood, no room for hiding, no pretending to be anything other than we are.


This energy is found in moments of death and grieving, when emotions are raw and difficult. 
It is in the formation of memories, which is the currency of life force.
As cycles pass, we may find ourselves needing a stern talking to from Deity, or simply a shoulder to prop us up as we struggle through.
The Bone Mother is there for us in such times, gathering the bones, the discarded and unloved parts, and breathing new life into us. With Her aid, we are reborn.


This energy is also connected to old Witchcraft, bone throwing in divination, spirit communion and the creating of spirit housing.
When we create an anchor for spirits in places of bone, we are taking on the role of the bone mother, breathing new life into those bones. We form connections and relationships with spirits from the otherside, and learn about one another as we walk this path.


My own work, recipe and design all rights reserved. ©


Glass can get hot when candle is burning, please burn with care and use a heatproof mat underneath

Never leave a burning candle unattended
Remove herbs to lessen the heat / burn prior to burning
Burns for approx 5 hours


Size - Diameter: 125mm Height: 70mm

Dish will hold approx. 440g of Soy wax
Cotton Eco wicks

Bone Mother ★ Death and Rebirth ★ Spell Candle

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