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★ Welcome Starlet ★

To the full feature Chaos Virgo course which started off with one idea:

★How do you create your best, most creative, most magical life, when you feel restricted & bored by routine???


I have long considered myself to be a 'Chaos Virgo.' I am supposed to like routine but it bores me to death & stifles my creativity. I had to create another way... and I have created this course to share that information with you, Starlet!


★This Full length course includes 5 video courses and nearly 50 pages of pfd loaded goodness to assist you in turning a restricted reality into a revolutionary moment!

The videos are:

- "There is no normal, there is only what you create."

- "Emotional Wellness in Unsettled times."

- "Structure around Soul care," - creating a life that sustains & nourishes your creative soul

- "Not tasks, rituals!" - How to revamp the ordinary into the extraordinary & make it work extra magick for you

- "The Hellna's - Boundaries & Shadows" - helping you to cope with all the spiritual stress that current events are throwing at you.


★ Ontop of this there are ELEVEN rituals & spells to assist you through the magical transformation!

★Then there are printable pages which you can print or use online to chart your progress, document the cycles, question your shadows and boundaries, alchemize your personal space and grow your creativity tenfold!!! CHANGE YOUR LIFE TODAY!


This course has one MAJOR underpining ethos: We are building a new structure around the frame-work of SOUL CARE - only through honouring and nourishing our needs can we build habits of happy productivity and creativity!!!


★ If you are newly working from home or you are adrift and unsure how to navigate these waters, feeling your sense of self slipping away, then I got you.


★If you are unsure how to become who you have always wanted to be and want ideas on how to make steps in the right direction then, I got you.


★If you find routine & conventional methods dull and lacking in imagination and creativity, then I got you.

Chaos Virgo ★ Creating your BEST Magical Life ★ Full Course


    © 2013 by Starry Eyed Supplies

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