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Anointing Spell Oil -

Available in an Amber vial with metal rollerball dispersal, each anointing oil is created for magical use with essential oils and a base carrier oil. No ick, no synthetics, all natural and beautiful scented.

Not intended as a cosmetic perfume but should not irritate skin. Anoint your magical tools and jewellery with this gorgeous Spell oil!


★ Hollow and bone is for the liminal spaces of the Morrigan, for her caverns and wilds, for Owenygat, for burial and rebirthing the wild soul within, ancestral and death rituals ★


★Scent - Haunting spruce, deep earthy sandalwood, set against an echoing maple and lotus tone. Otherworldly.


This beautiful range was a request - but boy did it tug at the strings in me. It's magic is just something else, it touches a live wire of ancient knowing within the soul. 


Caves and wild places are beloved by Witches, because they are of and within the Earth, natural shelter from the harshness outside, and within folklore have long been places of liminality, magic and are entrances to the Otherworld.

In caverns we connect back to our most ancient of ancestors, who lived in complete accordance with the land itself. Interestingly the etymology of grave lists cave amongst its meaning, further binding the connection between caves and death (and the spirits of our ancestors) because they made natural formation burial sites.


I find this nuance of "Cave" here of particular interest, because it crosses the divide of places that are associated with being entrances to The Otherworld, such as Oweynagat, ('Uaimh na gCat' meaning ‘Cave of the Cats’) which is one of the sacred sites of The Morrigan - and from which She is said to emerge each Samhain.

In this sense, the intermingling between graves and caves are certainly places firmly within the human psyche as not necessarily simply places of death, but of transition.
A grave is a physical location of a deceased shell of a person, but is a symbol of another doorway; one we have dug ourselves into the realm of the Earth so that body may decompose and re-join the Earth as the Spirit crosses over and re-joins the Otherworld.


Quietly through the undergrowth
Softly, softly,
The thorns expect their rich reward
Pay for passage in blood
The Forest knows and it remembers
Every promise you made
The sloping hills where you stumbled
And once made your grave...

- The Morrigan in Descent, Joey Morris ©



★ Sandalwood in Witchcraft - is used to bring balance to the energetic body and awaken the life force within.  It is also used to balance, centre and calm the mind, and for protection against negative spirits.


★ Spruce in Witchcraft - known for its ability to open up the airways, similarly spruce can open up all connections in the spiritual ecosystem, provides mental focus and clarity as well as grounding.


★ Maple in Witchcraft - believed to repel evil spirits, Maple is a herb/tree of adaptability: "Much like humans, the maple leaves grow together, are taken on separate paths for a period of time, and return together as one. In one short year, the maple shows us the beauty of the life cycle. The process of dying for the maple leaf is not a sight of grim shadows, but a process of brilliant colors and captivating scents. The maple tree stands between the worlds of life and death, showing us the beauty in each." - Starlitforest


★ Lotus in Witchcraft - can be used to aid in spiritual growth and boosting psychic awareness. It is symbolic for spirituality, and can be used to help one become more comfortable with themselves.


How to use this anointing oil:

★ For rituals and spells to help you connect and work with the spirits of the dead, or in ancestral rites
★ Prior to rituals of reconnection to the Earth or the realm of the Land - for grounding, or rituals of endings and release
★To honour the Goddess Morrigan as connected to the Land and as a Goddess of Death

★ Use to meditate to help you reconnect to yourself

All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved ©

Hollow & Bone ★ Anointing Spell Oil


    © 2013 by Starry Eyed Supplies

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